Monochrome color of the empty sky

During yesterday afternoon meditation, I felt well grounded from the start for a long now.

An image appeared through a window: the infinite tracking shot of a large bird gliding against the light in a sky that was scrolling so fast and still seemed totally motionless.

It was just an image, a vivid image that would disappear.

I noticed that the orientation of my body seemed strange, as if it had rotated without me knowing and it was kind of sitting on the wall, face up, watching through the roof. The contact between my body and the wall was ok, gravity was normal, it was just the sense of verticality that was temporarily lost. While recognizing there was nothing to worry about,

the image had changed: the child-drawn bird had disappeared but the feeling of speed through the window was still here. The monochrome color of the empty sky wanted to be seen, but there was only speed in the steadiness. It felt like a relief to allow this velocity to be here.

Pas dans l’allée (Unborn)

Les traces de pas dans l’allée 
mettent autant de temps à disparaître 
qu’il y a de pas dans l’air.

Autant de temps à disparaître qu’il y a de pas.
Tant qu’il y a des pas
Les traces de pas résonnent.

Chacun accueilli, chacun s’est exprimé
Les pas ne laissent de traces ni dans l’air ni dans l’allée.
Personne n’arrive. Personne n’est né.

Les pas disparaissent dans l’air et dans l’allée.
Sans se séparer 
Du goût des mots du bout des lèvres.

C’est parce qu’il est possible pour
un corps de se sentir empli de
confiance qu’existe entre nous réunis un mot pour le dire.